Monday, August 20, 2007

The Sage

I suppose it is somewhat inverse to refer to someone, who is your junior and someone whose diapers you changed, as a sage but it is appropriate in this setting. Jaren is my inspiration and the reason I decided to start a blog. A few months ago, I didn't know what a "blog" was. I was first introduced to the concept by my daughter, Jennica's, blog. But I didn't want one of my own because I am a private person and don't really want to share myself with just "anyone." Then I learned that unless you give someone your blog address, just "anyone" can't find it. Soon Jaren started a blog and the concept became multi-dimensional. The final selling point however, was Jaren's saying he did not write his blog for anyone but himself. It gave him a venue for writing each day. He didn't care if anyone read it or not. Of course, the people who read his blog care because he is informative, funny, sometimes crass, and always a delightful writer.

Aha. I have latent tendencies toward writing. When I'm alone, I form thoughts and then often "rewrite" them for clarity on a page. Though this is totally cerebral, on some level I'm always writing. In reality, the only creative writing I've done for the last three years is in my notes on clients. My profession is psychosocial rehabilitation (glorified baby sitter.) Because one cannot write that they took their client swimming two times this week because that was the only way to get that client to take a shower. And at forty degrees below, it's hard to justify to one's client why you're driving with the windows down. So the creativeness comes in wording your note to say "PRS taught client social/hygiene skills."

Now I have a fun and novel was to vent via posts on a blog. Thanks Jaren.

Additionally, Jaren inspires me in countless other ways. Just before his moving with his family to Louisville, Ky. we were able to share with other family members the opportunity to do the temple work that Johnny so desired to have completed. While Jaren was in Kentucky, we visited cemeteries and found the graves of great and great-great grandparents as well as aunts and uncles and cousins. We went to the library in Leitchfield, where Johnny spent some years as a boy, and found many family names whose graves we were then able to find. We visited a distant cousin, Kathy Kolle, and received from her generosity many many more names. Driving into her driveway and watching her walk to meet us was like driving into the Watson gene pool.

Jaren took me to a theatre in the round where we had to traverse through small mouse tunnels to get to the theatre. We shared in my fascination for Chaim Potok and watched "The Chosen." And Jaren became intrigued. We viewed tall buildings from a roof top parking garage at night and laughed about the mouse tunnels. Jaren introduced me to a friend and told said friend that someday he would like to co-author a book with me. We went to an aquarium, and on another day, we spontaneously left a pool party at Marshall Hawkes and drove his little family to spend two nights in a tent on a beach in Florida where Jaren and Claire periodically went crab hunting (successfully). Charity and Claire were both converted to our love of watching and playing in the waves. I love the excitement he has instilled in his small children for diverse animal life. Jaren taught me how to make a book and we searched for paper until we found Lokta paper (hand made in Nepal) at a store named Sitori.

In Tucson, he took me atop a mountain to take pictures of the sunset and his lovely little Claire. He verbalizes without embarrassment his great love for his wife, Charity. He plays with his children in tender and stimulating ways, while constantly teaching them and expanding their horizons.

And where else would you find a daddy who would sleep outside because his kids pet kitty has disappeared and he wants to be there in case in comes home in the middle of the night.

As you can see I still have things to learn about placement of pictures in my blog making, but I can just ask Jaren, my son, my mentor, my friend.


charityeve said...

I love, love, love this! You write beautifully and express yourself so well. I'm eager to read more of your posts. I took the liberty of adding your link to my Blog, if you'd like me to remove it just let me know.

Jaren Watson said...

I didn't take the liberty of adding your link to my blog, so if you'd like me to add it just let me know.
Thanks for the kind tribute, Mrs. Norris. I hope that you enjoy your writing. I enjoy reading it.
I'm certain that we are encouraged to keep journals for me than the recording of dates, etc. There is a discovery of self in the process that is enjoyable and fearful.

James Best said...

Mrs. Norris,

I feel I have been deceived. You directed me here for dirt. All I have seen so far is how great and intuitive and responsible and caring Jaren is. I might have almost got choked up when I heard about Jaren sleeping outside to wait for the kitten. But that is between US!

Now, Mrs. Norris, while the praise was worthy of this person I respect deeply and tenderly as a human being/writer/father/cool dude, I would appreciate some real juicy dish.



renwai said...

Don't you have some kind of a misguided or maudlin moniker?
Well, now you know a little more of the truth; it is I who is dirty, not Stubb. (By the way, do you know he's a triple amputee?) I've been racking my brain (which sometimes suffers short-term memory loss but is pretty good at the ancient) and truly except for JP's genius at duping his mother into paying for his gigs ahead of time with the promise he'd pay me back, there's not much. An example of the duping--he gave Charity a birthday present before they got married--a trip from Michigan to Idaho. He still owes me for the plane fare. Plus a season's ski pass at Targhee. And there was the time he called and said, "Is it okay if I use your credit card to put a stereo in the truck you bought me--it'll be a few hundred." Sure, Jaren. Since when does thirty qualify for the designation of a few?
Other than the fact that I think I'm the only mother in the world who would have raised him without Ritalin, he really is and has been the model I described in my post.
He's not even emasculated by saying he loves his mother in public. But he does call me Mrs. Norris.

Jaren Watson said...

Darn tootin'. I takes my emasculation the old-fashioned way. With pruning shears.

James Best said...

I changed my moniker just for you. You see how easily I am swayed? Jaren tells me to change a word in a poem and I hop to. My spine is a slinky.

Did he really spend 3000 on a stereo? Wow. That's phenomenal.

Triple amputee you say? That explains a lot.