Saturday, October 6, 2007

"Oh, What a Beautiful Morning"

Jennica called and woke me up this morning saying "Look outside."

I knew what to expect yet it still gave me a goose-bump rush. Palisades reservoir is at 1.8% capacity. We went into last winter with the level in the 40% and still ran out of pumping water for farmers. So, this is a wonderful blessing. Anyone out there who has spare room and words in their prayer time or who is willing to make it a priority, please remember to pray for snow for our area.

Last week when we received a skiff of snow, I was talking to Claire and after my telling her it was snowing here, she said, "Snow? Is it Christmas?" Her memories of two snow years have obviously melted in the warm climates of Louisville and Tucson. Josh and Emilia probably never had any memories. So, babies, this is what it looks like at Grandma's this morning.

I can hear the chilly squeals of Jen's children (except Lincoln, he's duck hunting) out my back windows as they go for the season's first snow man.
Last night, Cierra and I had a dinner, movie, and sleepover. It was comforting listening to her soft breath sounds and feeling her wiggle for more warmth as I lay awake during the post midnight hours. I was reading "The Winter of our Discontent." Here's praying for contentment for all my family and blogger friends. It's getting off to a good start.


jenhirr said...

mom, your picures are awesome. I can't believe how happy this snow makes me!

renwai said...

Thanks, Jen and thanks for awakening me to this winter wonderland. As the hours have gone by and a much heavier snow fall has caused trees and power lines to come down in Bonneville County and several accidents in Fremont county, I am reminded that life is the proverbial mixed bag. Nevertheless, I like you, am very happy for this snow fall.

Jaren Watson said...

Beautiful pictures! I'm that much more grateful for the sunshine and cool breeze here. It's short sleaves and heavenly. I love to look at snow and dress for summer so this is the perfect post for me. I'm glad for your moisture as well. Temple blessings roll in.

Jaren Watson said...

um, I forgot I'm on Jaren's computer. That last comment was from me, Charity.

Emily G said...

Mrs. Norris, these pictures are so pretty, I actually feel a little jealous. More like a fish out of water in the 90 degree heat. I'm visiting Utah today and it is much cooler than in Phoenix......snow, though.....I probably won't see snow til I come again at Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing the first snowfall with us Southern folk....

Autumn said...

Oh man, I love these pics. It brings back lots of good memories and feelings. I miss Dad:-(. Your home is beautiful and it feels good to be there, it feels like... HOME:-). Love you.